1- Keeping cholesterol level low: A high level of cholesterol leads to accumulation of different pigments in arteries which further results in the blockade of blood to the brain Hence, foods which are rich in cholesterol like, meat, egg yolk, and cream etc., must be avoided.
2- Exercise: Exercise on a regular basis reduces risk of hypertension, obesity, and diabetes- conditions that are risky for stroke.
3-Smoking: Smoking leads to accumulation of fatty substance in the carotid artery. Carotid artery is responsible for supplying blood to the brain and hence smoking badly damage this supply. Thus quitting smoking can drastically reduce stroke risks.
4- Limiting intake of caffeine: Intake of a large amount of caffeine leads to high blood pressure, which is directly linked with stroke. Limiting intake of caffeine has positive impact on regularity which in turn helps in reducing risks of stroke.
5-Early to bed, early to rise: This may sound a bit cliché but it is a tested fact that those people who live up to this adage have lower stroke risk as compare to those who do not. A research study shows that people who go to sleep early and wake up before the sunrise have lesser chances to get stroke as compare to those whose sleep cycle is disturbed.
6- Intake of vitamin B: Greater amount of vitamin B gets the level of homocysteine lower in the body. Homocysteine is linked to risk of heart diseases which in turn is linked with stroke. Foods which are rich in vitamin B like, garlic, egg, and fish, help greatly in reducing stroke risks.
7-Dark chocolate: Several research studies suggest that chocolate have beneficial effects for heart. Dark chocolate contains chemicals called flavonoids, which is thought to be helpful in keeping arteries flexible and hence helping in maintaining blood flow regular and smooth. However, if rich in milk and butterfat, chocolate can also be risky as then it leads to high cholesterol level.
8-High-fiber cereals: A research study conducted by Harvard University scientists found out that people who consume greater amount of high-fiber cereals are more likely to develop strong immunization against stroke as compare to those who consume less cereal fibers. Consuming 20 grams of cereal fibers in a day can significantly reduce stroke risks.
9- Using fresh fruits and juices: Fresh fruits have positive impact on arteries as fruits provide arteries all the required energy to push blood into different parts of the body. Especially fresh juices are more beneficial, which keep blood diluted enough to easily pass through the veins and capillaries.
Conclusion: With the help of above mentioned techniques risks of stroke can be reduced to a phenomenal degree. Living a healthy life and avoiding foods and activities which might be risky for heart, blood, or arteries in one way or the other certainly have positive impacts in terms of stroke risks.
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